The life science industry is dynamic and fastpaced The pressure to stay in compliance ensuring you are following the current accounting and financial regulations and retain toptalent...
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Your margins are under enough pressure already But with continual digital disruptionfrom fintechs and other recent entrants who are tightening the screws even furthercosts are always...
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Not all surprises are good surprises For finance teams there is nothing more frustrating than discovering unaccounted for expenses missing receipts or even worse fines Then when trying...
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While business travel is booming its not without its challenges A few years ago to book business travel employees called a corporate agency and everything ran through an approved...
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By Mark Linver managing director of Deloitte Life Sciences Advisory and Jack Tanselle Managing Director at Deloitte Life sciences manufacturers continue to operate in an increasingly...
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Employee expenses planned travel supplier invoices there are a lot of areas of spend for a business to track and manage If youre in finance it can be tricky to tie all these areas...
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Business travel conjures mixed emotions In one sense it can be a huge revenue generator as well as a sign of goodwill towards customers On the other hand the challenge of the entire...
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It might seem counterintuitive especially for a small business but not buying software to help you manage expense reports can get well expensive According to the Aberdeen Group it...
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In the first two parts of this series we explained why travel risk management TRM is so important for businesses and why coordinated data capture is key to your TRM plan Now how to tie...
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Business expenses arent normally seen as a place to save money In fact its quite the opposite But if you look closely at the data you might be surprised by the moneysaving...
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