Travel and Expense

Corporate travel and expense management are constantly evolving and keeping up is critical for both a positive employee experience and your company’s bottom line. Here's everything you need to know to stay ahead of the curve.

Articles about Travel and Expense

When driving around for work you have enough to worry about Whether youre a saleswoman on the way to close a big deal or a doctor off to make a house call you should be focusing on the...
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Travel is recovering as companies recognize that virtual meetings cannot fully replace the relationships – and business – that are built face to face.
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Being recognized year after year as a market leader in cloud-based travel & expense solutions is something we are a bit proud of at SAP.
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Survey: Travel Managers Often Lack Tools to Meet Challenges Travel Managers See Shortage of Tools But Not Challenges
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Business Travelers Willing to Go But Have Concerns Safety, Flexibility Matter Most to Travelers, Survey Finds
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Yes, business travel has seen more challenges in the last few years than at any other time since the invention of narrower seats in economy class.
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